Bahraini women

 On the sideline of their participation in the Ninth Annual International Women’s Entrepreneurial Challenge (IWEC) in the Belgian capital, Brussels, board members of Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), Afnan Al Zayani and Ahlam Janahi , met the Bahraini ambassador to Belgium Dr. Bahiya Al Jishi.

The meeting highlighted the achievements of Bahraini women following the reforms initiated by the wise leadership of Bahrain spearheaded by King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and also lauded the role of the Supreme Council for Women in empowering Bahraini women and supporting their success at all disciplines.

Concluding the meeting, Janahi and Al Zayani presented Dr. Al Jishi a commemorative memento, marking her role in promoting Bahrain and Bahraini women in the international arena.