"The Bahraini Women in the Era of Hamad", published by the Supreme Council for Women in 2008, tackled Bahraini women's social rights during His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa's prosperous era, highlighting women's right to education, health care, sports participation and housing, as well as other needs, including granting citizenship for children of Bahraini women married to foreigners, the rights of the divorced, protection of women from violence and the issuance of the Family Law.According to the book, His Majesty's King Hamad's overreaching Reform Project umbrella has been extended to cover women's social rights (right of education, healthcare, housing etc ...)A host of policies and guarantees has been put in place to reinforce women's rights. Bahraini women have already reaped a wide range of concrete gains thanks to the interaction between the afore-mentioned policies and guarantees.Bahraini woman’s social rights are the subject of the five-theme 6th chapter, the first of which expands up on women's right to education and the achievements secured in this field from the intermediate up to post-graduation education. It also outlines other achievements in the educational attainments of special groups.The second section deals with the right to healthcare through the analytic detection of health indicators.The third section deals with women's right to participation in sport in order to maintain their health and fitness. It will also feature women's achievements in the various sport contests.The fourth section covers women's right to a decent housing and the extent to which Bahraini women are entitled to the housing services provided by the Kingdom.The fifth section sheds light on women's needs such as the normalisation of Bahraini women’s children from foreign fathers, the rights of divorced custodian women, protecting women from violence irrespective of its source and the issue of Personal Status Law.The chapter concluded by asserting that the high-profile gains reaped by the Bahraini woman are the outcome of tireless and concerted efforts on the part of the wise political leadership to provide a wide range of educational, health, housing and social services, with special focus on women breadwinners, widows and mothers.The leadership has discerned the nature of Bahraini women’s problems within their families and society and worked hard to identify them legally, culturally and economically, which yielded a comprehensive strategy to improve women’s conditions and ensured their rights to education and health care and rights as wives and mothers.Efforts made by the kingdom in the fields of health care and education helped improve women’s health, increased women’s life expectancy and upgraded the level of their society in general. Moreover, women’s access to the kingdom’s schools and universities helped them reach high positions.The social and cultural dimensions were allocated equal attention in HM the King’s policies aiming to resolve decades-old women’s problems. For that reason, the wise leadership has been keen to bolster coordination between different social sides related to women to frame up the right solutions to woman's issues. Bestowing the Bahraini nationality on the children of the Bahraini women married to foreigners, ensuring divorced women’s rights, protecting women from violence and the issue of the Personal Status Law are the flagship gains that the Bahraini Women have secured so far.