Dr. Shaikha Rana bint Isa bin Daij Al Khalifa.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)'s Undersecretary and Chairperson of the National Committee on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons as well as their Destruction, Dr. Shaikha Rana bint Isa bin Daij Al Khalifa, has opened a workshop at the ministry.

The two-day workshop was held on October 9-10 in cooperation with the Committee's Group of Expert, established pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1540/2004 on Non Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) with the participation of the National Committee’s members and representatives from all concerned ministries and government bodies.

Dr. Shaikha Rana affirmed Bahrain's keenness to promote peace and security across the world, praising the Kingdom's outstanding role in supporting the efforts of the international community to prevent WMD proliferation and fall in terrorists’ hands. She added that the workshop came in implementation of the Committee's plan of action, which includes consolidation of international cooperation and was out of belief that there was an urgent need for concerted international efforts to back the resolution and activate its mechanisms.

 The Committee experts expressed their appreciation for having been invited by Bahrain to this important workshop by the National Committee, which is the first of its kind in the country, looking forward to engage in further constructive cooperation in all legislative and executive areas of the resolution.

 The workshop included three sessions, where the first one covered a number of topics including: achieving the objectives of UN Security Council Resolution 1540, the efforts exerted in this regard, the role of regional and international organisations in implementing the resolution and international instruments and conventions. The second session reviewed the implementation of the Security Council Resolution 1540 in the region and the Kingdom’s implementation of the resolution. The third session covered the mechanisms of the resolution’s committee, the challenges faced by countries in implementing the resolution and the role of the UN Security Council members.

The workshop aims at exchanging views and highlighting the priorities and potential challenges while implementing the resolutions as well as means to overcome them. It also helps to add to the knowledge of participants within the framework of overcoming technical challenges and identifying the necessary measures to implement the resolution.

 According to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540/2004, all States shall refrain from providing any form of support to non-State actors that attempt to develop, acquire, manufacture, possess, transport, transfer or use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery.