An Iowa judge has sentenced a Texas woman to 60 days in jail for cutting a fence in an attempt to release mink from a farm. Kellie Marshall, 22, of Austin, who also was give five years of probation, was given credit for the 16 days she served in jail after her Oct. 10 arrest, the Sioux City (Iowa) Journal reported Monday. While no mink escaped their enclosure at the farm, she pleaded guilty to releasing an animal from an animal facility and attempted third-degree burglary. Police arrested Marshall and Victor Vanorden, 24, of Austin after responding to a call about a suspicious vehicle near the mink farm near Stone State Park. Farm owner Steve Krage said the two caused $8,757 in damage by cutting his fence, an amount they must pay in restitution. Vanorden, who has married Marshall since the incident, was sentenced to five years in prison in February.