On Thursday 29th August, PLO Executive Committee member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi called on the Dutch engineering firm, Royal HaskoningDHV, to quickly end its involvement in the development of an Israeli project in occupied East Jerusalem framed by some members of the Dutch parliament as a project that serves Palestinian interests: \"Such claims are erroneous and highly misleading. In actuality, this project, a municipal wastewater treatment plant commissioned by Israeli authorities, will be built in occupied East Jerusalem. The primary objective of this plant is to serve and to strengthen Israel\'s illegal settlements; to deepen its annexation of East Jerusalem; and to consolidate its occupation of the West Bank – not to provide clean water to Palestinians.\" Dr. Ashrawi added: \"Contrary to what some may claim, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) is not a partner in this project; the PNA has explicitly and repeatedly expressed its strong objection to the project, and such a position has been communicated to Royal HaskoningDHV, as well as to the Dutch government.\" In a recent public statement, Royal HaskoningDHV emphasized that it conducts its work with the highest regard for integrity and always follow (inter)national laws and regulations: \"We warmly welcome this clear commitment and call on Royal HaskoningDHV to act accordingly and to altogether end its involvement with this Israeli project that contravenes international law\", stressed Dr. Ashrawi. \"We would like to see Royal HaskoningDHV in Palestine and to invite the company to share its remarkable know-how and skills. However, its activities must adhere to international and humanitarian law and be commissioned by Palestinian authorities and contribute to an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.\" \"I commend the Dutch government for translating its opposition to Israel\'s disastrous settlement policy into action, in line with EU policy, and for urging Royal HaskoningDHV to end its involvement in this illegal project,\" concluded Dr. Ashrawi.