Have a quick scan of news stories

Have a quick scan of news stories on education and you’ll see a culture both obsessed with and repelled by university education. Restructuring of institutions, raising of tuition fees, underpaid tutors and overpaid management – in this whirlwind of politics, alternatives to university seldom get a look-in.
But university education isn’t everything – and with more than 238,000 young people in the UK choosing to opt out of further education in 2013, young people have to know their options away from a life of freshers and coursework.
More than this, it seems that youths can’t break into the job market, facing an unemployment rate of more than 40 per cent.
So, what options are available to those without a thirst for the university lifestyle?
Trade on up
A big problem with secondary school is that very few subjects focus on hard labour and craft. Yet if you’re a school leaver, jumping straight into a trade as a joiner, electrician, painter or labourer could be exactly what you need to gain traction on the employment market.
Electrician courses, as well as many others, are 10 a penny for those on the lookout for them, and are available from a number of certified course providers.
Ultimately, what you can get from a trade is a sense of autonomy. Once you’ve gained full certification, you’ll be able to either enter into a larger company or strike out on the business trail alone, giving you a constant field of choices.
Find a mentor
While being a young buck gives you a natural confidence and spirit, it doesn’t mean you don’t need guidance in life.
Finding a mentor to help you avoid life’s many pitfalls, both in employment and personal matters, can help you make strides without running into trouble. Even connecting with a few inspirational figures on LinkedIn (the popular business social network) and asking them for advice can be enough to set you on the right track.
Without others to inspire and advise us, we’d just be shooting endlessly in the dark until we hit a bull’s-eye. So gain a mentor to gain success.
Achieve agency with an agency
Although heading down to the Job Centre is a positive step in the right direction, the more proactive amongst you should consider getting involved with a recruitment agency.
Leading recruitment consultants can help you with your CV, give you the skills you need to ace a job interview and go out of their way to match you with the perfect employer.
Your best bet in employment is to be as driven as possible. No matter what your aim, even those in the gutter can shoot for the stars.
Source: Education News