When you consider interim management education, you don’t typically think about people enrolling in courses to become an interim manager. After all, a position in interim management education is, by very nature, temporary in nature. When you’re looking for work or training for a job, you usually want to train for something that’s more permanent in nature. Still, there are many different interim management education opportunities available, and there are just some of the most compelling reasons why management students might consider this kind of specialization. What is interim management? Interim management is, in the most basic sense of the term, temporary management. When a company has a shake-up, or experiences a public relations crisis and the board of directors decides to get rid of executives, interim management is often brought in to keep the ship afloat while a replacement management team can be found. Someone with interim management education is ideally suited for this kind of important, but temporary, position. What will an interim management education program consist of? In many ways, an interim management education program will be similar to a traditional business management program. However, it’s likely that someone in an interim management education program will have specific coursework that deals with case studies of interim management, and that addresses the specific issues that are faced by interim managers. Are interim management education degrees in high demand? There is a growing need for interim management today, especially as the global economy continues to try to recover. That said, there is always a need for interim management, even in a good economy. The key thing about interim management education is that you don’t focus only on interim management, but rather treat it as a corollary area of study that’s ancillary to your business and management educational program. What are the skills needed for an interim management education program? There are a number of important skills that you need to have if you’re going to work in an interim management role. You need to have some technical skills. You need to be able to quickly grasp the organizational structure o an organization. You need to be able to identify possible areas for improvement, and be able to see the big picture. How has interim management education changed in the past few years? The biggest change has come in the interim management field. Many interim managers have retired altogether, and others have taken early retirements. Today’s new crop of interim management education graduates have more technical skill, but less real-world experience. That’s going to be a challenge for the field in the coming years. If you want to put your management skills and your education to use in the real world, interim management education is a wonderful option. It allows you certain flexibility, as you don’t have to work all of the time if you don’t want to. It allows you to sit in an objective seat, above the organization’s internal politics, where you can really make some improvements and be a true agent of positive change for the organization.