How often have we heard about academics lamenting about the waning interest in science education? Most often, they point to the depleting number of takers for science at the undergraduate level and the steady number of science students who opt for engineering and medical courses as evidence. Disconnect at the heart The problem, professors from the premier Indian Institute of Science (IISc.) say, is the disconnect at the heart of the education system; the way students study science and are taught science. Schools have to go by the academic calendar, teachers are hard pressed for completing vast portions and students are hard pressed for time and are barely able to go deep into any issue to spark a deeper interest in the subject. So how do we teach science then? How do we engage our students to learn it better? How do we provide our teachers opportunities to participate in efforts to improve methods of science communication and incite excitement that accompanies scientific discovery? Discussion To address these issues, The Hindu in School, along with QED (Quest. Explore. Discover), have organised a discussion where P. Balaram, Director, IISc., and M.R.N. Murthy, Dean, Faculty of Science, IISc., will talk to members from the education fraternity. The discussion will take place on November 18 between 10.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. at the Choksi Hall, Indian Institute of Science campus. Seats are limited so confirm your participation with an RSVP to: | Source: Education News