It is a commonly spread belief that once you set a new goal for yourself whether it is writing a screenplay, getting your ideal job, or even bringing your body weight down a size or so you should broadcast it to everyone you know. After all, you are more likely you will do it as you have told too many people and you do not want to be thought of as a fairytale teller, right? Wrong. New research claims that the opposite is true. A New York University conducted study found that talking about your goal can give you a not real sense of accomplishment, making you less likely to actually go for it. Imagine you tell your friend that you want to train for becoming a long-distance runner. Your friend has nearly reaction “wow, that is great!”, and you get a push for satisfaction and pride. You in fact feel so proud that you lose motivation to get up and jog early in the morning. Why should you bother doing it, when you are already reaping the benefits of being known as a long- distance runner? The smarter strategy is not to tell a soul. Of course, that is easier said than done but if you keep reading you will get more reasons for staying mum, plus ways for achieving your goals on the down-low. Okay, so you can at least tell your best friend, right? Not. By telling no one, you are making sure your aim is something you are really doing for yourself. That is opposed to, say; you want to have something impressive and talk about it at parties. What is more, you won’t run the risk of letting someone else’s opinions get in your way. What do stop a lot of people from doing the things they dream of are other people. If you once announce that you are going to be devoting a lot of time to a serious goal, a good friend or yours even others may get worry that she or he will see you less and subconsciously overthrow you from the finish line. Keeping your goals as a secret will help your so much. You will be so happy finally to have ability of sharing it with everyone that you will put yourself in the needle eye and get it done as fast as you can. And doing something only for you feels as selfish in a really good way. Women are likely to overextend themselves for ones they love. So when they have something that is only theirs, they will feel really special.