THE University of Queensland has pipped the University of Melbourne to the top Australian university in life sciences, according to the newest discipline ranking from the Times Higher Education.UQ was ranked 26th in the world, one spot ahead of Melbourne. Australian National University (33) and Sydney University (45) made up the quadrant in the top 50.As usual US and UK universities dominated the league table, taking out 19 of the top 20 positions, with a sole Canadian institution – the University of British Columbia – spoiling the fun at 14.Harvard, MIT, Cambridge, Oxford and Stanford made the top 5. Switzerland’s ETH Zurich (21) was the only European institution in the top 25 and Tokyo the only Asian university (25).Whether it’s changed methodology by Times Higher or genuine improvement, all four Australian institutions moved up from last year. UQ climbed 12 places from 38, Melbourne, five places, ANU six and Sydney debuted on the list.Both Monash and Adelaide fell out of the top 50.UQ deputy vice-chancellor (research) Professor Max Lu said of the results: \"It is testament to the university’s focus over the past 10 years in building critical mass in life sciences by attracting and supporting talented researchers, and our on-going commitment to the provision of world-class research infrastructure to support their research endeavours.”