The University of Tyumen.

Russian and foreign experts will assemble at the University of Tyumen on November 1-2, 2018 to take part in the Siberian legal forum, the university’s press service reported.

“The forum is an open platform for representatives from BRICS countries and a valuable instrument in outlining state practice and policies in the development of national and international law in BRICS countries,” the press service said.

The forum will cover the development of competition and anti-monopoly regulation in the digital economy, the legal aspects of BRICS cooperation in the midst of globalization, modern challenges and the future of lawyers in Russia and Kazakhstan, the digitalization of civil legal proceedings, and the development of civil law in today’s media space.

The forum’s delegates will also discuss state management issues, along with the legal aspects of its digitalization, the problems of regulating social and labor relations in a changing economy, enhancing anti-corruption mechanisms in the digital economy, the legal aspects of exports competitiveness, as well as the institutionalization of non-governmental suppliers in the social sphere.

The reports submitted to the forum will be published in special issues of the magazine titled “The University of Tyumen Bulletin. Socio-economic and Legal Research” and BRICS Law Journal indexed by international agencies, including SCOPUS and HeinOnline.

The Siberian legal forum was initiated by the University of Tyumen in 2014 as a platform to discuss legal issue, share experience and establish communication between scientists and researchers from Siberia, other regions of Russia and foreign states.