University of Redlands School of Education and School of Business will hold an open house where Redlands professors and staff will talk about earning a teacher\'s credential, master\'s degree, professional certificate, or doctorate. The school has an array of post-baccalaureate credential and degree programs available to those interested in working while acquiring a degree, including an accelerated degree program in which students are trained and ready for a teaching career in as little as 10 months. For students looking to take on a degree in business education, the U of R offers an MBA degree in 24 months, an MA in management after 18 months,and programs for the completion of BA and BS degrees in business. The topics being covered at the open house will be financial aid, block-scheduling in order for early graduation, complimentary tutoring, the $2,500 Reward Scholarship and converting life experiences into credits toward a degree. Open Houses will be held at Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. at North University Hall, Room 112, and Willis Center, 1200 E. Colton Ave., Redlands,