The 2nd deputy vice-chancellor of the University of Lome, Koffi Akpagana, on Wednesday termed the Chinese New Year as a celebration which was almost becoming \"universal\" and a cultural event which has become a cornerstone in highlighting the achievements of the biggest nation on the planet. Prof. Akpagana was speaking during cultural presentations to mark the celebration at the Confucius Institute at the University of Lome. \"It\'s almost a universal festival that has deep roots in a long tradition that began over a millennium ago,\" the 2nd deputy vice- chancellor of the University of Lome said. He noted that the celebration of the Chinese Spring Festival at the Confucius Institute has made the University of Lome to be \"the focal point for spreading Chinese culture in Togo and has also helped to promote the friendship as well as cooperation between the Chinese and Togolese people.\" The Confucius Institute at the University of Lome has for the third year celebrated the Chinese New Year. The Institute has in the last three years trained a total of 525 students, including the 110 students who enrolled for the first semester of 2012. The Institute\'s director Madam Tchassim Koutchoukalo said a number of its former students had been recruited by Chinese firms operating in Togo. On the occasion, Huo Tianyun, who is the interim charge d\'affaires at the Chinese Embassy in Togo, said that the development of economic globalization had transformed the world into a global village. He said that common interests of all countries had multiplied and interdependence had increased and that now, there were global challenges in domains such as finance, food, health and climate. \"The destiny of all people is more closely linked together today than ever before and cooperation has become a common choice for all countries,\" he said. He explained that in such a context, the use of other languages will reinforce the friendship and understanding between different countries and this would help them to resolve any challenges. The three days celebrations at the Confucius Institute will be characterized by presentation of songs and dances of learners at the Institute as well as by other Togolese traditional groups, preparation of Chinese and Togolese food, an exhibition of books and photos and competition in Chinese language and cultures.