A student body from an American university is to dedicate a month to raising awareness about the daily oppression Palestinians face. Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Florida, a 200-member organisation, is hosting four events in honor of Palestinian Solidarity Month. Last year, the organisation dedicated a week to the cause. The third event will take place tonight at 8pm in the Reitz Union, Room 282. Josh Ruebner, the national advocacy director of the US campaign to end Israeli occupation, will speak about America’s role in the conflict. On Wednesday, the organisation will hold a poetry night. Remi Kanazi, a Palestinian-American performance poet and human rights activist, will perform poems about Palestine, justice and coexistence. Before his performance, students will have the chance to read poetry related to the issue. Mohammad Tina, the organisation’s president, said the goal is to show that coexistence is possible. The group wants to show that Palestinians and Israelis need equal rights, he said. “Peace is possible, but only with real justice,” said the 22-year-old food science and human nutrition senior. The organisation already hosted two events this month. The first was a screening of a documentary about how American media is biased in its portrayal of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The second event was an exhibit and rally. The group brought in a 24-foot-wide and 8-foot-tall wall with messages and statistics about how much money America gives Israel every year. The group chanted phrases such as, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” to promote its message that Palestinians and Israelis should have equal rights. Tina said he feels it his duty to spread the word about Palestinian injustice because he lives in a place where he can voice his opinions. Some of his family members live in Palestine. “This is the least I can do,” he said. “I am the voice for them.”