Reports of gunfire at Princeton University\'s oldest building Tuesday evening proved to be unfounded, police said. The shots were reported around 8 p.m. at Nassau Hall, The Star-Ledger of Newark reported. The building, which dates from 1756, houses the president\'s office and other administrative offices. Nassau Hall was cordoned off and evacuated, officials said. Students at a lecture in a nearby building were evacuated to the basement, WCAU-TV in Philadelphia reported. By 11 p.m., university and Princeton police announced that the report appeared to be unfounded, KYW-TV in Philadelphia said. The university sent a Twitter notice to students, faculty and staff at 8:45 p.m. saying: \"Public safety has received a report of gunshots at Nassau Hall. Princeton Police responded; no one hurt. DPS says avoid area.\" Princeton is normally a quiet college town with the university campus on one side of Nassau Street and the business district on the other.