Over 30 universities, colleges and language centres from the UK will converge at the City Seasons Hotel in Al Khuwair this week to showcase the programmes that they have on offer to students in Oman. The UK Universities Expo, organised by Al Nimr Expo in association with Al Ahlam Higher Education Services, will be held on September 25 and 26 from 4:30 to 9pm and will provide students a chance to learn about a variety of fields of study and how to get the best qualifications to secure a promising job. “There are some famous names and most of the universities already have Omani students on their rolls. In today’s challenging economic times, it is no longer possible to enter the job market with just any degree,” said Kate Clarke, managing director and education adviser at Al Ahlam Higher Education Services. Knowledge and skills “Today’s employers are looking to recruit individuals with knowledge and skills that can be utilised to immediate advantage of the organisation. Students must, therefore, carefully assess the content of the degree programmes before enrolling; that’s why we bring in the UK’s top universities to help shape the minds of the students in Oman.” The two-day UK Universities Expo is an excellent platform for students and parents, school counsellors, training managers, ministry officials and sponsors to get first-hand information about study options in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Among the top universities participating in the expo are the University of Bath, University of Leicester, Nottingham University and the University of Sheffield. Said Al Rahbi from the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE)  said he hoped that both government-supported and privately-funded students would consider them as potential destinations for further education. Each of the participating institutions is accredited by the MoHE, he added. “The Ministry of Higher Education supports this event. We are trying to raise awareness among the parents and encourage them to join the accredited universities,” Al Rahbi noted. UK universities have been quick to appreciate the need for engaging with employers so that they can develop programmes relevant to the job market without sacrificing sound theoretical content. Practical aspects are carefully integrated with academic learning. One example is Islamic banking and the universities of Newcastle, Aston and Reading now offer courses with this specialisation. Another area is entrepreneurship, which is being offered by the universities of Nottingham, East Anglia, Sheffield, Kingston and others — all participating in the expo. “I hope this exhibition does well and benefits our students,” concluded Hashem Al Hashmi from the Al Nimr Expo. Source: Education News