The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) played host to a group of over 20 maritime officials from 14 countries, aimed at giving them first-hand experience in port management. These officials are students from the World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmo, Sweden, currently pursuing the Masters programme in Shipping and Port Management. The study trip, from March 5 until today, was to help them learn about port operations and management in Singapore and give them an opportunity to exchange insights on the development of the shipping industry. Commenting on the programme here today Captain Segar, Group Director (Hub Port) said: \"We hope their visit to Singapore has offered a dynamic mix of theoretical knowledge and relevant first-hand experiences in port management.\" Such field trips are very valuable in providing students with a holistic appreciation of how closely intertwined the various facets of shipping and port management are, said Captain Segar, himself an alumnus of WMU. The students, from countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam, Kenya, Nigeria and Turkey, were led by Daniel Seong-Hyeok Moon, INMARSAT Chair Professor at WMU. The five-day programme included visits to the PSA Institute, MPA\'s Port Operations Control Centre - Changi and MPA\'s Integrated Simulation Centre. Through the visits to various facilities, the students gained a better understanding of container terminal operations, port safety management and the application of technology in enhancing safety of navigation in port waters. The students also observed how maritime training for ship officers is conducted in Singapore through the use of simulators. A student representative from Azerbaijan, Zamig Ismayilov said: \"The opportunity to meet and listen to the advice of professionals from various port management disciplines is invaluable and unforgettable, because these are the people who make Singapore one of the best performing ports in the world. MPA has been hosting annual visits by the WMU students since 2004. These visits reflected MPA\'s commitment to contribute actively to the maritime community through the sharing of maritime expertise and capacity building, and allowed it to foster relations with the WMU students from various port authorities and maritime administrations.