Ankara\'s benchmark university ranks within 51-60 band of \'\'World Reputation Rankings 2013\'\' list Middle East Technical University (METU) of Turkey ranked within 51-60 band of the Times Higher Education\'s (THE) \'\'World Reputation Rankings 2013\'\' list. According to THE\'s 9th list, besides taking place in the first 100 rank along with the world\'s leading universities like Harvard, MIT, Oxford, Stanford and Cambridge, METU has considerably upgraded its rank compared to the last year. METU was the first and only Turkish university entering to the \"World\'s Best 100 Universities\" , and ranked within the 91-100 line in \'\'World Reputation Rankings 2012\'\' list, told the METU media unit in a press release. The top ranks on 2013 list, in continuity with 2011 and 2012, is dominated by the universities from developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and Australia. \'\'World Reputation Rankings 2013\'\' rests on the \'\'Thomson Reuters\' 2012 Academic Reputation Survey\'\', a poll participated by 17. 000 academics from all over the world between March- April 2012.