Russian Deputy Minister of Education and Science Marat Kambolov is summoned to an investigator for questioning on March 26 over the Management University corruption case, Kambolov\'s attorney Kirill Belsky told Itar-Tass on Monday. Former rector of State University of Management Viktor Kozbanenko is held in custody on charges of taking a seven-million-rbl bribe. According to the investigators, Kozbanenko demanded payment through confidants from a commercial organization representative to conclude a state contract of about 58 mln rbls for service maintenance and cleaning of the university territory. Earlier, law-enforcement authorities conducted searches in the Education and Science Ministry and on March 21 took documents from the deputy minister\'s flat. Lawyer Belsky confirmed the fact of the search in Kambolov\' s home, but said the investigators \"found nothing\". \"According to some reports, which I cannot confirm, Kozbanenko pointed at Kambolov as a participant in the crime, and the investigators check it. But there is no proof of it. The searches gave nothing, and there are no grounds to suppose that the status of Kambolov as a witness will be changed,\" Belsky said.