Islamic Azad University in collaboration with Ryerson University of Canada and UPM University of Malaysia is expected to hold an International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Advanced Technology (ICMEAT2010) at Isfahan\'s Abbasi International Hotel from October 10 to 12, 2012. The organizers of the conference seek to bring Iranian researchers and their foreign colleagues together and promote the mutual scientific works. ICMEAT intends to encourage scientific communication between universities and the industrial society and broaden the research scope of the academics specialized in different areas of Mechanical Engineering. The main conference themes include, but not limited to: Applications of mechanical engineering in medicine Mechanical engineering on micro and nano scales Nanomaterials Multi-scale analysis MEMS NEMS Concurrently with the conference, a number of educational workshops and an exhibition attended by leading companies active in mechanical engineering industries are due to be held. The certificates of attendance for the conference and the mentioned workshops will be issued by Islamic Azad University Majlesi Branch, Ryerson University of Canada and UPM University of Malaysia, jointly. For more details please visit the official website of ICMEAT2012 at