Scientific research at Delhi University is richer by Rs.40 crore. The Department of Science and Technology’s Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence grant gave its highest sanction to DU among 14 universities selected across the country for the year 2014. The grant, instituted in 2008, is awarded to universities based on a “H-index”. The index measures the productivity of a researcher as well as the impact of the research. According to the Department’s website, the index is “based on the set of the researcher’s most cited papers and the numbers of citation that they have received in other people’s publication. The H-Index can also be applied to judge the impact and productivity of a group of researchers at a department or university.” The grant is meant to provide support to already performing universities for procuring all logistics required for better research as well as organising scientific conferences and workshops, travel expenses and maintenance of the facilities. “The DST had earlier released Rs.30 crore to the university in its last grant in 2009, the highest amount sanctioned to just three varsities out of which DU had the highest H-index. …the university is delighted at this recognition of its constant endeavour towards research excellence,” said a university statement. Teachers, meanwhile, welcomed the grant, when informed about it, but also said that it remained to be seen how the university would use the funds. Source: Education News