Top political advisor Jia Qinglin has called on China\'s Beihang University to boost education and innovation capacities in order to become a world leading university with specialties in aviation, space science and information technology. Jia, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People\'s Political Consultative Conference, made the remarks in a congratulatory letter to the university, which is also known as the Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (BUAA), as it celebrated its 60th founding anniversary on Saturday. Jia hailed the Beihang for cultivating a large number of high-quality talents and making numerous achievements in science and technology research over the past 60 years. Jia expressed his hope that the university will thoroughly implement the country\'s educational guidelines, enhance education quality, push forward innovations in order to help provide a solid education and talent foundation for improving the country\'s overall national strengths. Beihang was founded in 1952 as the Beijing Institute of Aeronautics. It turned from an engineering institute into a multi-disciplined, research-oriented university in the past six decades, fostering some 150,000 high-caliber talents for the country\'s development in various fields, particularly aeronautics and astronautics.