Brigadier Ahmed Mohammed Nehkairah Al Mahrami, Head of Human Rights Department

Abu Dhabi Police has discussed ways to promote cooperation with the British University of Salford, regarding its rehabilitation programmes for juveniles.
Brigadier Ahmed Mohammed Nehkairah Al Mahrami, Head of Human Rights Department, Chairman of the Juvenile Care Center’s Steering Committee, met the University of Salford’s work team, who were selected from several international institutions, to provide their knowledge and professional expertise to the center’s staff members and enable them to leverage the latest methods adopted in juvenile rehabilitation.
Brigadier Al Mahrami said: "It gives me great pleasure to announce this valuable cooperation between the Abu Dhabi Police and the University of Salford, which would help us to achieve further success in the field of juveniles care and rehabilitation. This valued cooperation will further add to the achievements already made by the center’s staff members. However, we can always benefit from the additional professional expertise from our international peers; which is why we chose the prestigious University of Salford to help us achieve this goal." Colonel Dr. Abdullah Mohammad Bu Hindi, Director of the Juveniles Care Center, said that the center’s administration is keen on providing full logistic support to the University of Salford’s work team, with a view to support their efforts in transferring the knowledge and expertise as necessary, and efficiently fulfill their task under the best of circumstances.
Rabab Al Ameri, Director of Social Education Home, welcomed the University of Salford’s work team, wishing them success in their task. She also expressed the Ministry of Social Affairs’ delight about this productive cooperation, which will promote juveniles rehabilitation according to international standards.
Professor Maggie Pearson, Deputy Director of the University of Salford, Dean of the College of Health & Social Care, expressed the work team’s delight to have the distinguished opportunity to work alongside Emirati competencies.
Prof. Pearson indicated that their primary task is to transfer the expertise and competencies to their Emirati counterparts, thanks to their highly qualified team of criminal research and social psychology experts. The university will also support the experts who will work with the Emirati work team in charge of the rehabilitation project, in order to achieve the desired results according to international standards.