2 scholarships announced for Pakistani students at Lincoln’s Inn.

Two Pakistani students would receive scholarships annually at the prestigious Lincoln’s Inn from next year. Accorsing to Pakistan High Commission,UK, the Bestway Group and Rangoonwala Foundation will fund one scholarship each.
Sir Anwar Pervez and Asif Rangoonwala made the offer on the occasion of installation of the Bust of Quaid-i-Azam at the Lincoln’s Inn Library on 29 November 2017.
Syed Ibne Abbas, the High Commissioner, announced this offer in his address at the installation ceremony.
The Rt Hon Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Treasurer of the Lincoln’s Inn, and other notable personalities on the occasion hailed the scholarship offer saying that the initiative would further strengthen the ties between Pakistani students and Quaid’s alma mater, Lincoln’s Inn. The selection of the students will be done by the Lincoln’s Inn.
The High Commissioner commended the vision of Sir Anwar Pervez and Asif Rangoonwala for investing in the education of Pakistani youth, which would open up new vistas of cooperation and understanding between the two friendly countries.

Source: APP