The Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah said universities have the responsibility to nurture values ??of high integrity among undergraduates. \"A country\'s progress is incomplete if based solely on economic performance and technological progress. Integrity, moral and transparency must also be given priority,\" he said at the 51st convocation of Universiti Malaya (UM) here Monday. Raja Nazrin was surprised by the report by the Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) that majority of 1,800 undergraduates said there was nothing wrong with corruption. The UM Pro-Chancellor said the finding was cause for worry since the undergraduates would hold important office in various sectors. \"If the undergraduates don\'t consider corruption disgusting, we fear that they will be easy to corrupt since they will not feel guilty. \"Universities must become a fortress to blocked undergraduates from being infiltrated by negative culture.\"