The 8th and 9th exhibitions of Nano Week in Iran were held in Semnan province (Semnan and Shahroud cities) and Golestan province (Gorgan city) in December 2011 with over 6,300 visitors. The allocation of two individual sections to \"the Third Nanoscience and Technology Olympiads for Students\" and \"Nano Reporters Club\" was among the new features of the exhibitions. The governor\'s deputy, the deputy of education at high school level, and the heads of education and training from Semnan and Golestan provinces were among the special guests of the exhibitions. A sum total of 6,334 students visited the exhibitions in the said two provinces, among which 3,900 were from Semnan province and the rest were from Golestan province. Among the educational programs during the exhibitions, mention can be made of the organization of a seminar to introduce nanoscience and technology principles, the exhibition of nanotechnology-based products in industries such as textile, agriculture, home appliances, and hygiene, Nano Cinema, and the organization of students\' ideas competition. In addition, students who wanted to participate in the Third Nanoscience and Technology Olympiads for Students and who wanted to join Nano Reporters Club registered in person in the exhibitions. The 8th and 9th exhibitions of Nano Week were held in cities of Semnan, Shahroud, and Gorgan in December 2011. The 10th exhibition of Nano Week is due to be held in Hamedan province in February 2012.