Undergraduate Scholarships Committee held its meeting under the Chair of Sayyid Salim bin Mussalam al-Busaidi, Civil Service Ministry Undersecretary for Administrative Development Affairs, in the presence of the Director General of Human Resources development, Head of Training and Qualifying Department at the Ministry and the Deputy of Scholarships Director General and Head of Internal Scholarships at the Higher Education Ministry. The committee reviewed its agenda which included scholarships given to governmental units in the last five-years and awarding scholarships for candidates from governmental units to pursue their undergraduate studies. The meeting reviewed application of officials from governmental units for graduate studies 2012/2013, discussion of providing additional opportunities for candidates with diplomas. The meeting also discussed a follow-up report by working team assigned with following up affairs of students at the expense of the Higher Education Ministry inside the Sultanate. It is worth mentioning that this committee is looking after undergraduate scholarship applications at the expense of the Higher Education Ministry which meet the conditions listed in the scholarships, grants and financial assistance law and its executive bylaw. It is also responsible for verifying the applications against specializations needed by the governmental units in the coming period.