The Mozambican public and oldest University the Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) announced on Tuesday that it will introduce masters\' degrees in the areas of energy and mineral resources as an answer to increasing demand of professionals in this sector. The multinationals operating in this sectors in Mozambique most of the times rely in foreign job markets to hire experts to execute activities that demand great specialization due to lack of enough experts in Mozambique, the Portuguese News Agency based in Maputo Lusa reports on Wednesday. UEM deputy dean Ana Mondjane affirmed that 145 professionals in the period 2011-2015 will be trained and part of curriculum will be attended in the neighbouring South Africa and in Sweden. \"We recognize that this period particularly the sector of mineral resources and energy are going through, it has become fundamental to invest in the specialization of mineral resources,\" said Mondjane during the official launching of the master\'s degrees in Maputo