Kuwait's Ambassador to Jordan Dr. Hamad Al-Duaij handed a USD 120,000 donation to the Gulf educational institution in Palestine. The donation is from the Ministry of Awqaf (Endowment) and Islamic Affairs. "The State of Kuwait is considered of the institution's major supporters," Chairwoman Amna Al-Aawoor told KUNA, adding "the institution's activities cover Gaza and the West Bank." Al-Aawoor pointed out that the donation will go to the construction of a 650-square-meter floor in the college for technology and science in Palestine. She praised the Kuwaiti support for Palestinian entities upon the directives of the Kuwaiti leadership. On the Gulf institution, Al-Aawoor said it is a an independent non-profit organization established in 2006 with the aim to develop Palestinian human resources, especially helping young Palestinian students going through harsh economic and social circumstances to enroll in academic establishments