The Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute for Basic Sciences will be established in Kerala. Inaugurating the state-level activities of National Mathematical Year-2012 and launch of Activities in Mathematics Education, Chief Minister Oommen Chandy here today said the country was facing shortage of qualified mathematicians. Kerala would establish an advanced institute for mathematics in the name of Srinivasa Ramanujan, who was one of India\'s greatest mathematical geniuses. Pointing out that students were not doing much research in mathematics at advanced levels over the last many years, he said schools and colleges in the State were also facing shortage of qualified mathematics teachers. Mr Chandy said the mathematical community has a duty to find out ways and means to address the shortage of top quality mathematicians. Mathematics has tremendous influence on every kind of human endeavour, he added. The event was jointly organised by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE)and the Kerala School of Mathematics (KSOM). The State-wide activities, which would conclude on December 12, would be organised with the effective participation of Education Department, Higher Education Council, Universities, R and D Institutues and many Academic institutions. (UNI)