The Indian Community School, Kuwait (ICSK).

 The Indian Community School, Kuwait (ICSK) Senior’s very own Nature Club contemplates environmental conservation and ventures toward widespread awareness, with its industrious team of spirited students led by the dedicated Mariam Sam. The club has plunged into cultivating and fostering the campus garden on the school terrace. This has helped inculcate students with knowledge on gardening methodologies, the life cycles and survival of plants, and producing and harvesting fruit. Plants of different varieties are grown including tomatoes, sweet potatoes and lady’s fingers, as well as medicinal plants.

The advent of winter impelled the crops in the garden of ICSK to bloom with promise. On 21 December, the Nature Club showed off its flourishing yield at the school assembly, which accompanied the onset of Christmas. The harvest was seen as a seasonal gift from Mother Nature.

The harvest was auctioned off energetically by Joel D’Souza, assisted by Mariam Sam, Jayabala Jayaram and Atiq Dhanse. The students and staff of ICSK participated in the auction enthusiastically. The stars of the event were what Mr. Joel crowned, “The three kings of vegetables – fresh tomatoes, aubergines and bell-peppers.” In a very short time, three basketfuls of produce were sold out.

The Nature Club continues to instil students with a sense of civic responsibility toward nature, and emboldens students to be part of the solution in the ever-growing environmental problem. Students witnessed the painstaking rewards from nature and joyously revitalized the ecosystem.