High-school student Kwasi Enin did the near impossible and was accepted to all eight Ivy League schools. Enin is a first-generation American from William Floyd High School in New York. His parents emigrated from Ghana. He was accepted to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, and Columbia. Enin scored a 2,250 on his SATs, putting him in the 99th percentile. He says he has not made a decision and is waiting to review financial aid packages, but is leaning towards Yale. "They seem to embody all the kinds of things I want in a college," he said. "The family. The wonderful education. The amazing diverse students. Financial aid as well." Enin says that he would like to be a physician, possibly a cardiologist or neurologist. As if getting accepted to the elite eight of education wasn't impressive enough, Enin was also accepted to Duke, Stony Brook University, SUNY Geneseo and Binghamton University.