University Dubai has launched its fourth Annual Photography Competition for up-and-coming photographers to showcase their work. The students is mainly aimed at university and college students. The exhibition for finalists will take place on April 8. The deadline for applications is on March 29. The competition has three categories this year, which include the Murdoch Students, Inter-University Students and, Aspiring Photographers. The third category is an open one and applicants need not be students organisers said. This years theme is \"The United Arab Emirates, The Future Discovered\". It is a celebration of country\'s 40 years of existence. Article continues below \"The competition hopes to inspire and encourage young photographers to depict their pictorial views of the UAE. This is also an ideal opportunity for amateur photographers to come forward and present their pictures, and maybe discover hidden talents,\" an organiser said. In collaboration with The Shelter gallery, which will house this year\'s exhibition, Grandstores, Fujifilm and Nikon have sponsored prizes and officials there will judge the applications. Applications should be submitted to or in person on a USB stick or CD at the Murdoch University Dubai campus in Block 10, fourth floor, Dubai International Academic City (DIAC).