Entrepreneurship as most people know is the tactical skillset of an individual who takes on the responsibility of managing a business. During ancient times this skill was mastered by observing people and inculcating the best practices from earlier generations but now there are specified courses to teach people how to master entrepreneurship. But entrepreneurship cannot be learned with the help of just one course as this skill can be mastered only when one is able to grasp several abilities. There are truly no factories manufacturing entrepreneurs. Thus if you are planning to study entrepreneurship as part of your higher education, you need to opt for advanced lean principles and tools certification to learn about the several management principles that are practiced to achieve operational excellence. You will benefit more if you take the Six Sigma courses that will help you to master the integrated system of understanding the ways to manage organizations and businesses. These courses are divided under two main segments: DMAIC and DMADV. DMAIC is useful for enhancing the structure of existing businesses and DMADV helps entrepreneurs to create designs for new projects with promise. It is important for any aspiring entrepreneur to take enroll into courses that will help in both the aspects. The top 7 higher studies to master the entrepreneurship skills are: Finance: This course teaches you to manage and allocate funds, assets and liabilities over a period of time so that they may benefit your organization and reap you profits. You cannot run a business if you do not know how to invest your money so that it can be increased over time. Marketing: Every company needs marketing and by marketing we mean making sure that people become aware of your business so that they want to collaborate with you. You need to be able to market your business to the right people and at the right time. Law: Knowledge about business, state and corporate laws is essential in order to manage a business. Without the knowledge about the legalities, you will be at a risk to run into problems that may affect your business adversely. Operations: Every business needs to be overseen and each aspect of the business needs to be monitored. That is what operations is all about. You as an entrepreneur should be aware of each and every area that your business is venturing into and you should also know how to control it. Strategy: It is the mark of a good entrepreneur to be able to create strategies that will increase the growth of your company. Leadership: This skill can be nurtured but not spoon fed. So the courses you take for leadership will introduce you to the key features of being a god leader and you need to work on it. Management: This is the basic course and if you are able to juggle six responsibilities at a time, then you have learnt it all. There are courses that will teach you about each of the skills mentioned above. You may take the courses one after the other or you may decide to skip some. But only when you have mastered all these skills and you have gained knowledge about these fields, can you become a good entrepreneur. Source: Education News