An online training program to teach teachers, staff and others about best practices in special education will go live during the 2014-15 school year. Fort Wayne Community Schools board members on Monday approved a $156,000 contract with local company CVC Communications to develop online training modules for FWCS staff to learn about special education topics. Board Vice President Julie Hollingsworth said the online special education courses will be an asset to the district. “I think it’s a great idea. There’s probably no area of education that’s more highly regulated (than special education) and driven by all sorts of rules and regulations,” Hollingsworth said. The online courses will be divided into about 19 modules, each approximately 30 minutes long. Courses will include links to reference materials, FWCS-specific scenarios, mid-course knowledge checks and end-of-course quizzes, according to FWCS Special Education Director Ann Barnes-Smith. Employees who complete the training will receive printable certificates. The courses are expected to be available online next school year and will be funded by a technical assistance grant from the Indiana Department of Education. For more on this story, see tomorrow’s print edition of The Journal Gazette or return to www.journalgazette.netafter 3 a.m. Tuesday. Source: Education News