Thiruvananthapuram: The IT@school project will launch a digital management programme to reduce the use of paper-based communication in offices under the General Education Department. The general council meeting of the IT@school to be held on September 10 will finalise the project, IT@school Director in-charge Babu Sebastian told DC. The new digital management programme using the ‘digital super highway’ connecting schools in the state and the DPI office was the first step towards a ‘paperless’ office, sources said. General Education Special Secretary A. Shajahan said that though it would be difficult to convert the office fully into a paperless one,  the new programme would increase the efficiency of communication between offices under the department. Sources said that the department has already implemented total management software, ‘Sampoorna,’  in schools in the state. The new programme would expand the data-storing mechanism and data-sharing system of the institutions under the department. The component of the project included digital data filing system. The IT@ school project is  now associated with BSNL to provide internet broadband connectivity to all high schools in the state. Some of the major e-governance initiatives already implemented under the project included online transfer and posting of over two lakh teachers  and noon meal distribution computerisation. Source: Education News