The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has put 12 free education modules online for university lecturers to use in their courses and for individuals to educate themselves about this area of law. They cover topics including: misleading sales and advertising practices; social media; pricing laws; business scams; cartels; misuse of market power; product safety; and consumer rights. Each learning module comes with a list of learning objectives and assessment material, which university lecturers can use directly in their own courses. The ACCC says lecturers will be able to teach the material without any prior knowledge of the relevant laws. SIMPLE, INTERACTIVE AND HELPFUL ACCC deputy chair Dr Michael Schaper, who is a former dean of Murdoch University Business School and a former head of the School of Business at Bond University, said the online modules were simple, interactive and helpful. Most of the modules end with a short quiz for students, but lecturers who use the material will get a larger suite of quiz questions and answers, as well as a discussion question and answer for each module. They also get a free instruction manual. The ACCC says it envisages that the modules will be useful to universities in a wide variety of degree courses – including business, marketing and advertising, professional practice management, journalism, media studies, communications and entrepreneurship. The modules are also designed for individual students. Each of the 12 modules takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Source: Education News