The Communist Party of China

The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee's Party School has unveiled statues of renowned communist figures on the campus to boost Party spirit and inspire Party officials, according to the Party school authority.

Statues of Marx, Engels, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping have been aligned along the campus' axis. Another statue of Jiao Yulu, a leading example of an honest Party cadre, is standing in the east part of the campus.

"As the highest institution of learning charged with training senior and middle-ranking CPC leading cadres, our campus, though boasting a beautiful environment with trees and ponds, lacked a landscape embodying the Party spirit," said the Party school committee in the statement

The statues, which are all made by top sculptors in China, are an effort by the school to bring the spirit of the Party to campus.

"The figures of the statues represent different phases of development for the CPC, showcasing the Party spirit of catching up with the times, as well as the importance of Party cadres in the promotion the socialism with Chinese characteristics," the statement said.

The sculpture of Karl Marx standing by Friedrich Engels was chosen for Marxism, which has been the guiding the CPC's ideology. Its theories are usually the very first lesson of every Party official studying at the school.

The statue of Mao Zedong, great pioneer and leader in exploring Marxism in China, as well as a leader of the revolution and founder of the People's Republic of China, is located in the plaza in front of the assembly hall. The statue is based on Mao's image during his tenure as the head of the Party school from 1943 to 1947.

Deng Xiaoping was the founder of China's reform and opening up policy in the 1980s and the creator of socialism with Chinese characteristics. His statue was placed on the campus as a reminder of Party officials' duty of developing China.

The Party school also plans to set up the statue of another excellent Party cadre besides Jiao Yulu to inspire leading cadres to learn from the exemplary figures.