“Despite the encouraging signs on the ground

Despite the encouraging signs on the ground, the results are not yet satisfying.” For Omar Azziman, the President of the Higher Council for Education, Training, and Scientific Research (HCETSR), the initial achievements of the education reform are not satisfactory.

“Urgent reform of the Moroccan schools,” is how Azziman opened, Wednesday, July 26 in Rabat, the 12th session of the HCETSR. In a speech, he underscored that the ministry must double its efforts for the success of this reform.

“We are still working in a context of skepticism about the performance of the Moroccan school, which means that we must redouble our efforts in terms of deepening, monitoring, proposing, and evaluating, to meet both the objectives of the strategic vision of the reform 2015-2030 and the expectations of society,” he said.

Azziman called for coordination with all actors, primarily institutional ones, so that the work and recommendations “can be based on objective and reliable data and statistics.” The main goal for the HCETSR’s president is to access information in a fluid manner, respecting the commitments and responsibilities associated with this kind of cooperation.

Stakeholders must collaborate on the improvement of the Moroccan school is a crucial one, stressed Azziman. As evidence, the president of the council emphasized the cooperation of the HCETSR with the ministry in the preparation of a draft convention on the information, data, and documentation system. This project will be discussed in preparation for its signature by the council and the ministerial departments in charge, said the President of the HCETSR.

During this 12th session, the Council also discussed the presentation by the Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research on the “Action Plan of the Ministerial Sectors for the Implementation of Education Reform,” in addition to the presentation of two thematic reports by the National Arbitration Board, the first on the evaluation of multidisciplinary faculties and the second on the evaluation of the doctoral cycle .

The agenda also of the meeting also included a consideration of the annual draft report on the council’s balance sheet and outlook for 2016 and a summary presentation of the 2017 regional meetings
