The strategy will serve as a constructive reference for building national education policies and for

 A number of general aims and objectives for education in the Sultanate are included in the Education Philosophy approved by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

The strategy will serve as a constructive reference for building national education policies and for guiding the development of all stages and types of education. 

The philosophy is also the main reference for developing education policies and plans. It is also a driver to achieve the broad objectives and general aims of education. It also guides the continuous development of all stages and levels of education system.

The philosophy provides a solid, comprehensive, integrated base for the education system. It also provides guidelines for integrated growth of learners and enhances Omani citizenship and identity.

It gives learners an idea about their religious, social and legal obligations towards themselves and others.

The education philosophy seeks to create a good citizen who abides by the Islamic values and remain loyal to his Sultan and nation. It also equips individuals to understand modern age events and address them in a good manner.

It helps students acquire scientific thinking skills and contribute positively to the sustainable development process taking place in the different sectors of the Omani society.

The education philosophy is inspired from solid bases and sources that serve as pillars for creating generations that are well prepared for the future. It also includes the main pillars for the general education aim sought by the education system taking into consideration the contemporary changes and the aspiration and the reality of the Omani society.

It seeks to meet the current and future needs by benefiting from the developed international trends and experiences, as well as the leading education models.

The education philosophy in the Sultanate is built on ten main sources basics that are reliable, flexible and regenerative. It includes sixteen principles that have interactive relationship that create a number of general education aims to be achieved in reality by the education system.

The ten sources are the Islamic religion, the wise thought of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the Omani culture, the Omani society, the State’s Vision, the contemporary educational thoughts, the characteristics of the learners, the international charters and conventions, the contemporary world issues and the principles and aims of the education philosophy in the Sultanate.

The sources also include the integrated growth of learners, the identity, the citizenship, national dignity, good manners and values, human rights-based education, accountability, Shura based principles, education for sustainable development, education as a responsibility, community involvement, high quality education for all, knowledge and work and finally the knowledge and technology society.

Source: Timesofoman