Learning the Chinese Language

The State Council, China's Cabinet, has promised greater financial support and "scientific and steady" promotion of bilingual teaching so that education in ethnic regions achieves the national standard by the end of 2020.

"Education of ethnic minorities lags far behind the country's average, it should be given a more prominent position," said a cabinet document released Monday.

Stressing the educational rights of ethnic minorities and those living in ethnic regions, the document underscored the moral and social influence of education, as well as its role in ethnic unity and national stability.

"Bilingual education should be promoted in a scientific and steady manner," it said, adding that teachers' ideological and political knowledge, and their professional and ethical skills should also be improved.

According to the cabinet, teaching methods should be developed to help promote and implement "socialist core values", and efforts should be made to boost exchange and harmony among students of various ethnic groups.

Promising greater investment and funding for those in need, the document called for improvements at all education levels.

The document also stressed the role of government organs and Communist Party of China committees at all levels in guiding ethnic education and enforcing educational policies.