Trump ‘dividing Muslim world into good and evil’

France, Germany and Luxembourg voiced disquiet on Saturday over US President Donald Trump’s decision to limit immigration and refugees from some Muslim countries, with Berlin and Paris also reaffirming a firm line on Russian sanctions. 
Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn said Trump’s order would have negative consequences.
“The American president is dividing the Muslim world into good and evil with this,” Asselborn told the Tagesspiegel German newspaper. 
“The decision is also bad for Europe because it will increase the Muslim world’s mistrust and hatred of the West.”
Speaking at a joint news conference in Paris with his German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said many of Trump’s decisions worried the two US allies, including new immigration restrictions.
Trump on Friday signed an executive order that will curb immigration and refugees from some Muslim-majority countries and he separately said he wanted the US to give priority to Syrian Christians fleeing the civil war there.
“This can only worry us, but there are many subjects that worry us,” Ayrault said, adding that he would soon invite his future American counterpart Rex Tillerson to Paris to explain Europe’s interests, values and vision of the world.
“Welcoming refugees who flee war and oppression is part of our duty,” Ayrault said.
Germany has taken in more than 1 million refugees and migrants, mainly from the Middle East, since 2015.
Although traditionally open to asylum seekers, France has taken in far fewer refugees than Germany since the migrant crisis erupted. Some in the French government, mostly ex-premier Manuel Valls, criticizing Berlin’s open-door policy, as has Trump.
“The US is a country where Christian traditions have an important meaning. Loving your neighbor is a major Christian value, and that includes helping people,” said Germany’s Gabriel, who was on his first trip abroad since his nomination as foreign minister.
“I think that is what unites us in the West, and I think that is what we want to make clear to the Americans.”
Addressing a joint news conference in Ankara Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, British Premier Theresa May refused to condemn the executive order by Trump, saying Washington was responsible for its own refugee policy.
“The US is responsible for the US policy on refugees. The United Kingdom is responsible for the United Kingdom’s policy on refugees,” May said, after being repeatedly pressed to give her opinion on Trump’s executive order.
“And our policy on refugees is to have a number of voluntary schemes to bring Syrian refugees into the country, particularly those who are most vulnerable but also to provide significant financial contributions to support refugees in countries surrounding Syria,” she added.
Yildirim offered implicit condemnation of Trump’s move, saying throwing up walls will not solve the world’s refugee problems.

Source : Arab News