A special defense control center manned by 20 Israeli soldiers to tackle cyberattacks is operational, Israeli defense officials said. "Few countries have this kind of ability," a defense source told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday. "This is a part of the Israel Defense Force's readiness to ensure continuity of conventional operations. This continuity is based on cyber-security." The source described the center as a "nerve center for defense," adding it has "impressive command capabilities." The center is to be staffed around the clock the source said. The center will maintain close contact with the government's cyber-defense system called Tehila -- Government Infrastructure in the Internet Era -- as well as the Israel Security Agency's Information Security Authority, responsible for securing Israel's energy infrastructure, communications networks and transportation sector and financial markets against cyberattacks, the Post said. "In this world, time has no significance -- an attack can be launched immediately -- and neither does distance. The attacker can be anywhere," the source said.