Etisalat on Sunday announced launch of a new Social Pack aimed specifically at smartphone users of the popular social networking applications BlackBerry Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. The new Social Pack\'s launch is timed to coincide with that of the new cross-platform BlackBerry Messenger application, which can be used with all Etisalat data packages. The Social Pack provides subscribers with unlimited data to all four of these apps, which allow users to stay connected with friends and family members, at the affordable daily price of Dh2, or just Dh49 for the monthly option. Other internet usage and external links are not included. Daily subscribers are only charged for the days they use the package. If you don\'t use BlackBerry Messenger, Tweet, check Facebook or use WhatsApp for a day, you don\'t get charged. Khaled El Khouly, Chief Marketing Officer of etisalat, said: \"Social networking applications are very popular in the UAE, particularly among young people. This new proposition allows subscribers to connect to their friends and family quickly and easily for less money than ever before. It is a great deal.” The new Social Pack is available to all pre- and post-paid customers across all major operating systems: Android, iOS, BB10 and Windows Phone, and can be used in addition to all existing smartphone data packages. Subscribers can sign up to the Social Pack conveniently on their devices by texting ‘SP\' for a monthly Dh49 option or ‘DSP\' for the daily Dh2 option to 1010. Customers can also subscribe to the pack by dialing *170*4#. SOurce: Emirates 24│7