The Head of the Court of HRH the Premier, Shaikh Hossam Bin Isa Al Khalifa received citizens in charge of HRH the Premier’s website, where they presented to him the documentary book “Leader and Renaissance.” The book contains a press review of the content of the website including news and articles concerned with HRH the Premier’s achievements, thought, and aspirations for the future of Bahrain. During the meeting, Shaikh Hossam Bin Isa Al Khalifa expressed his thanks and appreciation for the youth initiatives that aim at highlighting and documenting the march of HRH the Prime Minister, Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa, as he is considered a national symbol who succeeded in establishing the foundations of the modern state in Kingdom of Bahrain. Shaikh Hossam Bin Isa Al Khalifa also praised the efforts of the people in charge of the website for HRH the Premier, as well as their great effort in publishing the book, which forms a rich addition to the Bahraini library for addressing important aspects of Bahrain contemporary history. For their part, the people in charge of HRH Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa’s website stressed that HRH the Premier is the leader who donated his time and efforts for Bahrain, where his achievements led to the progress and prosperity Bahrain is witnessing in all various areas. “It was the least work we could present, which is to document HRH the Premier’s efforts to be existing in the thoughts of the generations to come, for he is considered the man of the state, and the owner of the rich experience that is full of events and experiences,” they said. They also added “HRH the Prime Minister had strongly led the modern renaissance of Bahrain, and with full determination and perseverance facing the fiercest challenges, and following up the citizens affairs with passion and great concern.”