Zac Efron (L)

While promoting his new film We Are Your Friends, star Zac Efron took part in a game of egg roulette with host Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show Monday.

According to the rules of Fallon's game, each person grabs one egg from a carton of one dozen. Eight of the eggs are hardboiled while the remaining four are still raw. Efron and Fallon would take turns smashing the eggs on their heads until the first to get two raw eggs would lose.

"I feel like I'm in the last scene of Deer Hunter right now," Efron admitted.

Throughout the game the Neighbors star was confident what type of eggs he was picking out. "You can kind of tell," he said while shaking the egg, "I'm pretty positive that this one is...." Fallon cut him exclaiming "You can't tell." Efron was right, as he eventually went on to win the game but not before at least one raw egg was cracked over his head.

"You have so much egg on your face - literally and figuratively," Efron said to the defeated Fallon.