A Ukrainian television prankster who gatecrashed the Grammys has been warned not to try the same at this weekend\'s Oscars show, according to a lawyer\'s letter. Vitalii Sediuk, who kissed Will Smith at a red carpet event in Moscow last year, was warned he would face prosecution if he tries to attend Sunday\'s show, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Sediuk managed to get onto the Grammys stage as British songstress Adele was walking up to receive an award earlier this month, appearing briefly on TV screens, in his latest publicity stunt. He did scores of media interviews in the wake of the prank, in at least one recalling how he had dreamed about receiving an award at the Oscars. The media-savvy Ukrainian even went to the Oscars press accreditation office in Los Angeles this week to try to pick up a media badge on behalf of Eurovision, according to The Hollywood Reporter. But the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which organizes Sunday\'s climax to Tinseltown\'s annual awards season, sent a lawyer\'s letter making it clear he is not welcome. The letter, a copy of which was published on the industry journal\'s website, told him he \"will be arrested and prosecuted\" if he tries to attend the Oscars or the Governors Ball official after-party. \"For security reasons... the Academy cannot permit uninvited persons to attend,\" it said. \"Therefore (it) is forced to arrest such persons to ensure the safety of its invited guests and deter others from attempting to crash those events,\" added the letter, signed by attorney David Quinto. Sediuk gained notoriety last year when he managed to kiss Hollywood A-lister and \"Men in Black\" star Smith at a Moscow media event, earning a slap from the star, in a video widely seen on YouTube.