President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi held on Wednesday a series of interviews with media outlets in South Korea.

Sisi, in one interview, voiced appreciation for the Korean people and pleasure over his visit while in office to the Asian country, said presidential spokesman Alaa Yousef.

The Korean experience is a model to follow, the president was quoted by the spokesman as saying.

Egypt received a South Korean mission in early 1960s to get acquainted with the Egyptian expertise in development at that time, Sisi noted.

He praised Seoul's achievements at present, saying Cairo looks forward to making use of the South Korean experience to carry out Egypt's 2030 comprehensive development strategy.

The president reviewed investment opportunities currently available by the Egyptian economy, said the spokesman.

These chances are topped by the Suez Canal development project where industrial zones, logistics centers and ports are planned, said Sisi.

Egypt welcomes South Korean investments, he said, pointing out to steps recently taken by Cairo to lure foreign investments.

Egypt is also a center for exporting products to Europe, Africa and the Middle East, he added.

Sisi asserted to the South Korean media that Egypt is stable and safe for business and investment.

The president hailed the success of South Korean companies operating in Egypt.

There are several fields for cooperation between Cairo and Seoul, said the president.

Cairo is also interested in restoring flows of tourists from South Korea into Egypt, said Sisi, who added that several agreements and memos of understanding will be inked with Seoul during his current visit.

A framework accord will be signed to allow South Korean loans for Egypt, said Sisi.

Other agreements to set up an Egyptian-South Korean technology university and to renovate Alexandria Port will be also inked, he added.

As for the political life in Egypt, the president asserted that under the constitution anyone could be elected president by the people.

He stressed that the recent elections were transparent and fair.

As for the conditions in the Korean peninsula, the president said that Egypt follows up them and support finding peaceful solutions for the crisis.

Sisi renewed Egypt's stance on a recent nuclear test by North Korea that Cairo considers it a flagrant threat to the non-proliferation in the world.