Moscow Duma candidates

Candidates running for the Moscow City Duma legislature will draw lots at the Moscow City Election Commission (MCEC) on Monday to determine a proper sequence of their participation in TV debates. A decision to this effect was made at the MCEC's latest session on July 30.
The debates will be broadcast live by "Moscow 24" and "Moskva Doveriye" (Moscow Trust) channels in several stages from August 18 to September 12, Timur Valeyev, executive producer of the "Moscow Media" holding, told Itar-Tass.
The Moscow 24 TV channel schedules to broadcast three debates-related programmes a day within a period from Aug 18 to 22 at 13:30, 15:30, and 18:30 Moscow time, and two programmes in a period from Aug 25 to Sept 12 at 15:30 and 18:30.
The Moskva Doveriye TV channel schedules to show two programmes a day from Aug 18 to 22 and from Sept 1 to 12 at 10:00 and 11:30, and three programmes a day from Aug 25 to 29 at 10:00, 11:00, and 12:00.
Free air time for the candidates is to be provided by the two TV channels and two radio stations (Moscow-FM and Radio Moscow).