The Lebanese Forces party refused on Sunday claims linking its lawsuit with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation (LBC) and PAC crisis where PAC TV production company, was sold by its chief executive officer Sheikh Pierre Dhaher to Prince Walid Ben Talal. Lebanese Forces media office has responded to a statement issued by LBC on April 20 stating the following: "The decision to liquidate PAC is an attempt to weaken LBC and push it to close or give up. This decision comes at the time of the Lebanese Forces lawsuit against LBC and its Chief executive officer." The Lebanese Forces statement clarified that its lawsuit is not against LBC but against its chief executive officer who abused trust and continues to do so. Moreover it was filed with the Lebanese judiciary back in 2007 while the dispute between Dhaher and PAC is very recent. The Lebanese Forces have officially and repeatedly called on Sheikh Dhaher not to sell something he doesn't own to Prince Walid Bin Talal. It also addressed the same warning to Prince Walid who ignored it. The statement added that Dhaher's "disregard for people's interests made him manipulate truths, dates,figures and funds, only to place the blame on the Lebanese Forces in order  to evade his most basic responsibilities -as usual - towards his employees, God and  the people." The statement concluded that the Lebanese Forces reserve the right to take full legal action regarding the manoeuvres of Sheikh Pierre Daher. A dispute between Dhaher and Talal resulted in 400 employees losing their jobs in PAC and LBC.